Latest Blog Posts - Page 15

Automate your AdWords PPC campaign

Managing a PPC campaign could be sometimes a pain, especially if you need to make adjustments on a daily basis to make your bids more competitive or deactivate some keywords that you are aware are not performing at a particular day time. So far, all this action was confined to manual actions, and everybody who works into the PPC and Search Engine...

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Block domain for Google Chrome

About two days ago, an interesting article from Alex Citu pointed me out on a new Google Chrome extension that allows people to “block” a domain name from the Search Results List. Unfortunately, as the author said, it's not tied to a web service and the blacklist is not saved to your Google account, so this means that you could not use it on a...

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Grant access to Google Analytics to a second user

Sometimes there are very easy things to which I come throgh during my daily workload. However, I appreciate that not all the people may have the same skills and flexibility to perform a task. As during the last few weeks I was reorganizing some Google Analytics account, I have had to provide an easy guide to add an account into an existing...

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7 steps to manage the URL migration

Last week I posted a blog regarding the [importance of link building][100], so why you should really take care about your content and the links that can be generated around it. This week, I would like to stress you regarding the importance of what is necessary to do when migrating a site. Editorial or technical necessities are generally the reason...

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How important is the link building?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the term that describes how web marketers design (or optimize) a web page in order to attract the Search Engine “spiders” to crawl the site itself. But having a web site is not enough. So what makes a website popular? One of pillar of the SEO is the online reputation, therefore the capacity of the web site to...

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The power of Social Media

In Italy we have a common way to say: Christmas with your relatives, Easter with whoever you want. And as we are nearly to the Christmas time, good habits will require me to go home for holiday. However, this year to avoid being robbed by RyanAir and their expensive extra luggage tariffs, I decided to send gifts using an express courier, which...

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